Former Combat Aviator Tom Royals Highlights Importance of Sending a Fighter to Congress to Tackle Border Crisis, Economy and Crime in Frederick County MD-06 Debate

Royals Establishes Clear Contrast with Rest of the Field as the Strongest GOP Candidate to Win in November and Fight for Conservative Results

Frederick, M.D. – Former Naval Flight Officer and combat aviator Tom Royals, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, addressed a multitude of issues including the southern border, economy and crime during the first debate in Frederick County on Monday evening. 

“Tom Royals established a clear contrast with the rest of the field last night with his readiness to take the values that guided him flying combat missions over Iraq and Afghanistan to fight for Maryland families in Congress and tackle the immense challenges facing our nation, including the border crisis, an economy that’s failing families, and rising crime,” said Royals for Congress campaign manager Brendan Duffy. “Royals’ experience fighting for the country in uniform and commitment to family as a husband and father of nine, underpin a commitment to achieving a safer, more prosperous future for all Maryland families.”

After the debate, voters in the audience weighed in on which candidate earned their support:

“I listened closely to all the candidates tonight and Tom Royals was the only one who exemplified he had the plan to represent my values in Congress,” Micah Willard, a Republican from Frederick County, said. “As a father myself, I know Tom will work diligently to secure the border, reinvigorate the economy and make our communities safer.”

“Tom Royals is the only candidate with a real plan to secure the southern border,” Gerry Mares from Frederick County said. “I’m voting for the candidate who will get the job done, and that man is Tom Royals.”

Read more about Tom HERE.

Follow Tom’s campaign on social media HERE and HERE.
