Former Combat Aviator Tom Royals Launches ‘Mothers For Royals’ Coalition

Mothers Across MD-06 Rally Behind Royals to Restore Safety and Security in Their Communities

Germantown, M.D. – Former Naval Flight Officer and combat aviator Tom Royals, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, launched his ‘Mothers for Royals’ Coalition – The very first of any candidate running in Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District.

“As a mother of six children, Tom Royals has demonstrated he’s the clear choice who will go to Washington and fight for Maryland families,” said Mothers for Royals Chair, Libby O’Neill. “With his record of fighting for our country, we can count on Tom to stand with mothers across our district to protect the rights of parents in schools and restore safety, security and prosperity to our communities.”

After the event, mothers within the coalition weighed in their support for Royals:

“I’m here today to support Tom Royals because he is committed to protecting my children’s future,” Martha Cuda said. “Our community is under attack, from the curriculum being taught in our schools, to the rise in crime, we need a fighter like Tom to restore some sanity in our district.”

“I have listened to all the candidates in this race, and Tom Royals is the only one I trust to restore commonsense in our district,” Diane Stephan said. “Tom speaks directly to the issues mothers, including stay at home moms, are concerned most about and he has a real plan to tackle the problems our community is facing. I am standing with Tom 100 percent.”

Read more about Tom HERE.

Follow Tom’s campaign on social media HERE and HERE.
