Former Combat Aviator Tom Royals Pinpoints Key Areas America is Under Attack In Montgomery County Forum 

Royals Delivers Plan to Bring Common Sense Conservative Leadership to Congress, Guided by Same Principles That Served Him as Naval Aviator

Germantown, M.D. – Former Naval Flight Officer and combat aviator Tom Royals, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, demonstrated he is clearly the strongest Republican candidate to win in November and deliver common sense conservative results for Maryland families in a candidate forum at the Poolesville Town Hall hosted by the LD-15 Republicans and the Rural Women’s Republican Club on Thursday.

“Once again, Tom Royals exemplified he is shoulders above the rest of the field by demonstrating his readiness to once again fight for our nation with the same values that guided him on combat missions over Iraq and Afghanistan,” said Royals for Congress campaign manager Brendan Duffy. “As a veteran, Tom understands firsthand what it means to fight for our freedoms and the American people. As the next Representative for Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, he will fight to secure the southern border, cut taxes, defend our police, ensure veterans receive the care they have earned and roll back the disastrous Bidenomics agenda that’s meant higher costs for household essentials and energy for Maryland families.”

After the forum, voters in the audience weighed in their support for Royals:

“I felt like Tom Royals was the only candidate who will go fight for us in Congress,” Suzie Reborchick from Montgomery County said. “He said our country was under attack at the southern border, he said our country was under attack with inflation and he said America was under attack when it comes to crime in our communities and he is right. He’s the fighter we need to solve our community’s problems.”

“Tom Royals response to the questions instilled the most confidence in me of a candidate that can win the general election in November.” Mike Jamison from Montgomery County said. “He communicated a strong message for a plan to be electable to Congress and steer our country in the right direction.”

Read more about Tom HERE.

Follow Tom’s campaign on social media HERE and HERE.
