Former Combat Aviator Tom Royals Stands Apart as Strongest Candidate With Overwhelming Support at First MD-06 Forum

Royals Shares Clear Vision for Restoring Safety, Prosperity and the Rights of Parents

Germantown, M.D. – Former Naval Flight Officer and combat aviator Tom Royals, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, stood apart as the strongest candidate with the greatest support during a candidate forum hosted by the Upper Montgomery Women’s Republican Club on Wednesday.

“Tom Royals demonstrated he’s ready to take the values that guided him on combat missions over Iraq and Afghanistan to fight for Maryland families in Congress during this first forum in the race for the Sixth District,” said Royals for Congress campaign manager Brendan Duffy. “With his command of the issues and determination to secure a better future for Maryland families, Royals stood clearly apart from the rest of the field as the strongest Republican candidate for Congress.”

After the forum, voters in the audience weighed in their support for Royals:

“Tom Royals was the only candidate who demonstrated he had the knowledge, experience and strength to fight for our communities,” Susan Collins from Montgomery County said. “He stood out to me the most out of anyone on the stage because he has a clear plan for improving the lives of everyone in our community. Tonight he earned my vote.”

“As a mother, I can’t imagine anyone on the stage more equipped than Tom Royals to fight for our kids’ education.” Sandy Leone from Montgomery County said. “He understands what our children need, he understands that parents should be the primary educators of our children and that educators in schools should support our values. I fully support Tom Royals.”

Read more about Tom HERE.

Follow Tom’s campaign on social media HERE and HERE.
