Tom Royals: Record Breaking Number of Migrant Crossings Underscore Urgency to Secure our Southern Border

Germantown, M.D. – Republican candidate for Congress in MD-06, Tom Royals released the following statement on Monday following the unacceptable and record breaking number of migrants who illegally crossed the southern border in the past 24 hours.

“I commend our border patrol agents and all the local officials who are working overtime to handle the current invasion on our southern border,” Royals said. “These actions have severe consequences in our communities, including the constant flow of illegal drugs into Maryland resulting in students at Montgomery County Public Schools overdosing on fentanyl and rising crime in our communities.”

“The chaos of the Biden border crisis underscores the critical importance of electing a fighter in Maryland’s sixth district who will tackle this catastrophe head-on and hold the administration accountable to end this humanitarian disaster and restore safety in our communities,” Royals said. “In Congress, I will make sure we secure our southern border, reverse disastrous policies that encourage illegal crossings, support the border patrol and law enforcement and label the drug cartels as terrorist organizations to stop this crisis created by failed leadership in Washington.”

Read more on Tom Royals’ plan to secure the border HERE.

Read more about Tom HERE.

Follow Tom’s campaign on social media HERE and HERE.
